What we do
Focus TP is a specialist transportation planning consultancy, providing client focussed advice to the development industry and local authorities. From our base in the North West of England we work on projects across the UK, using our expertise and experience to deliver a high quality, value driven service that is tailored to your needs.
Pre-planning & Concept Design
Focus TP offers advice at the initial pre-planning stage. We ensure that masterplans deliver practical and effective highway layouts that meet the requirements of future site users and consenting authorities. Our services include:
Site feasibility appraisal & preliminary access design
Land use transportation studies
Site masterplan appraisal and vehicle swept path services
Car parking assessments
Accessibility audits
Traffic management / traffic calming design
Advice on legal procedures such as road closures, diversions, stopping up orders, etc.
Government policy dictates that all sizeable development schemes subject to planning permission must be supported by an appraisal of transport matters. Focus TP specialise in negotiating the scope and preparation of key reports such as:
Transport Statement / Transport Assessment
Travel Plan
Environmental Statement (Transport Chapter)
HGV Delivery & Servicing Plans
Parking Management Plans
Input into S106 planning obligations
We offer a range of post planning consent services to help guide our clients through to the on-the-ground delivery of their projects. Our services include:
Management of detailed design of highway improvement works to secure S278 / S184 / S38 agreements with highway authorities
Construction Traffic Management Plans
Temporary and permanent Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) / highway licences
Travel Plan implementation
Focus TP regularly act for private and public sector clients at planning inquiries, planning appeals and Local Plan Examination in Public (EIP) sessions. Our input includes both the preparation of written evidence, as well as giving evidence as expert witness.